Harry Potter Camp Day 3
We started off the day with a challenge: could they make Harry’s glasses - and attach a scar - using pipe cleaners?
Once they were happy with their glasses, we headed to the park for a couple activities.
First was Basilisk Bubbles. I cut the bottoms off empty plastic waterbottles, and we rubber-banded socks to the opening. Dip them in bubble solution, then blow through the mouth opening where you would normally drink, and a big foamy snake of bubbles comes out the other side. We experimented with adding food coloring to try to get them green, but didn’t have heaps of luck. G2 enjoyed playing with the piles of bubbles that were left on the ground once she grew bored of making the snakes.
Our other park activity was a “Wingardrium Leviosa” race. I gave each of them a blown up balloon, and we did variations on races (forwards, backwards, hopping on one foot, and so on) while keeping the balloon in the air. It was a little windy this day, so we made our race distances super short, and while they occasionally struggled to keep control of their balloon, it was still a lot of fun!
Heading back home, we added another layer of paint to our snitches, then played The Whomping Willow. I had a little stuffed mouse named Scabbers sitting at one end of the yard. One player is the “Whomping Willow.” The remaining players must work together to rescue Scabbers and bring him safely to the other end of the yard. The Whomping Wilow (who can move) tries to tag all the other players, who then are frozen. They can be unfrozen by their teammates. If the team can get Scabbers to safety, they win, but if the Whomping Willow freezes everyone before Scabbers is rescued, then the Willow would win.
This day, we had a friend of B7 come to join us. During the free choice time at the end of the morning, he taught us how to draw a landscape of Hogwarts castle. Then, by popular demand, we played a few more rounds of pin-the-scar.