G3’s third theme request of the school year was snow. I had a lot of fun putting this one together, but I did find that it lent itself more to sensory exploration than numbers, alphabet, and so on, so it was harder to balance out the types of activities. Still, it was a fun day!

After spending a bit of time coloring out big snowman and identifying our day’s associated letter, we dug some lettered jewels out of the snow (flour) where they had been buried. We used them to spell “snowman,” and then Anna and Elsa got to join in the fun for some sensory free play.

The previous day, I had collected the cylindrical blocks and cut paper down to size to roll around them. G3 and I made snowman parts for stacking in different combinations. Honestly, she wasn’t super into this one and I ended up doing a lot of it, but G5 had a few minutes of fun stacking them later in the day!

I had previously frozen water in a shallow tupperware container, and provided this to G3 along with some watercolor paints, a tiny bit of water, and a paintbrush or two. She enjoyed returning to this activity a couple times throughout the morning to experiment with the ice as it melted and produced different effects on the paint.

To squeeze in a bit of counting, I collected a few different snowman “parts” and we rolled a dice to bnuild our snowman a few parts at a time. I enjoyed seeing what G3 prioritized in her snowman!

We also made our own snowman dough. G3 measured out all the ingredients and stirred, though I did the part on the stove. Warm playdough is one of my favourite things to play with, and we enjoyed making out snowmen out of bits and pieces I had brought along to give them features.

Finally, we used white silky crayons to draw swirls and whirls on white paper, then watercolored over it to make our blustery day watercolor paints. I had also planned to sprinkle salt on these paintings to create a snowy sort of effect, but activity around the house was picking up with siblings and parents home by this point of the morning and G3 had had enough for the day!

Somewhere in there we also “ice skated” around the house on paper plates for a few minutes. I forgot to take a photo though!