The kids had the whole week off for Thanksgiving break this year! We spent our mornings out on adventures exploring different hiking trails in the area. Of course, I also planned some on-theme activities to do throughout the week.

On Monday, I encouraged them to create a poster of things they were thankful for. I made my own as well, mostly to help them get some ideas. G3 gave me direction on what whe wanted written, in whch colour, and where, while she decorated around the words. G5 mysteriously disappeared under the table to work on hers “in secret,” and then B7 took it one (or two!) steps farther and decided to work on his in his bedroom and also in invisible ink. I love how he decided to make all the handprints and write on the fingers, I thought that was super cute! I encouraged them to continue adding ideas throughout the week, but I think for the most part they stayed as-is.

Tuesday we laid out some picnic rugs in the sunshine and began creating our twisty fall trees using paper grocery bags. G3 and G5 lost interest really quickly, but B7 continued working on his for a while and even more throughout the evening and following day. It’s a lot of work for little fingers!

On Wednesday, we had a little more time around the house, which was perfect for fitting in my remaining planned activities. We started by playing “pin the feathers on the turkey,” with the slight twist that it wasn’t any sort of contest, we just kept adding them on.

Next, we twisted some pipe cleaners into turkey feet and left footprints all over! The girls enjoyed pretending their turkey was leaving footprints all over Hogwarts; Filch was going to be VERY angry when he found out!

Our final Thanksgiving activity was Turkey Tag. We first spent some time turning our clothespins into turkeys. To play our game of tag, we clipped the pins to our shirts. The goal was to try to snag other turkeys while protecting your own, and try to collect them all!